VA11 Create Inquiry


Iinquiry Type - IN

Sales Organization - 1000

Distribution Channel - 10

Division  - 00


SoldTo Party - 1000 atau bisa milih dengan box

SendToParty - 1000 disamakan dengan soldto-party

Material - P-100 atau bisa milih dengan box

Item - 10

Enter lalu simpan nomor inquiry-nya, contoh 10000035

VA21 Create Quotation


Quotation Type - QT

Sales Organization - 1000

Distribution Channel - 10

Division  - 00

Create with reference -> inquiry number -> copy

valid from - tanggal sekarang

valid to - tanggal sekarang

Simpan, catat nomor quotationnya contoh 20000033

Display document flow

VA13 - Display Inquiry

- Inquiries

VA23 - Display Quotation

- Quotations

- Search

- Pilih sesuai user anda

- Copy nomor quotationnya

VA01 - Create Sales Order


- type OR

- SO : 1000

- DC 10

Create with reference

order id quotation : isi nomor quotation

PO Number enter 2x

blok item, klik kanan, item availability

VL01N - Create Outbond


- Shipping point - 1000

- enter

- Actual GI Date :  today now

- Subsquent function- create

- catat nomornya 80012681

- enter

- generate

- save

- catat transfer ordernya 0000001491

VL02N - Display Outbond

- isi transfer ordernya

- post goods issue

sub function

create transfer order

generate to item


delivery change
v102n - change outbond
Outbound delivery : OD from DO

mmbe - Stock overview

pencet blok kiri atas

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